Tuesday, November 02, 2021

What's going on...

 It has finally gotten cold. The leaves are almost all gone from the trees. So much rain has fallen around here that the lake level is crazy high. Boats are higher than the docks which most are under water. All the falls and creeks are just wild torrents.

Doing lots of baking-cinamon nut rolls, biscuits, and bread.

Cucumber pickles

Cooking dinner on the woodstove and bowl of bread dough is near by raising in the warmth.

And painting on various projects and this is one of them

Friday, October 08, 2021

Sunday, August 01, 2021

making time

Making time for Art -
Painting practice

Using a very limited palette-basically red, yellow, blue, raw umber and white

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Sunday, February 21, 2021

February Update

Lots and lots of snow that just won't go away! Some of us love it like Miss Olivia and Little Daisy. They can't get enough of it. Me? I seem to be having a hard time of it even though I love it too. Trying to get wood from the wood piles, slipping and sliding on our daily walks. And flying through the air falling on what I thought was snow that turned out to be a solid sheet of  ice! Nothing broken, just sore thank goodness.

A lot of baking on a regular basis. Baking bread, pita bread, biscuits, blueberry coffee cake, and cake...


Blueberry Kuchen with nut streusel

Doing another family painting/collage of me (I'm 3), my pony Nipper, an my brother Phillip. Circa 1956.


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