Friday, December 16, 2005
Finally a Posting
You know how quite often you see baby boomer men with little tiny thin pony tails and bald every place else? I wonder what the Vikings looked like when they started getting bald?
I thought that I'd do some research into Christmas starting from a pagan holiday and this is the first thing I came across here. It is pretty funny.
Saying for the rest of the week:
That guy has wiener written all over him.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Baby talk
I would like to knit my friends some baby presents so I have been looking for, not just cute, but unique and somewhat "elfish" baby knitting patterns. So far I have had very limited luck. I love the knitting designs by Kate Gilbert. They are unique and beautiful and some are even "elfish!". Unfortunately I will have to wait for the patterns to be written.
I've just remembered that I have photos froom the Rennaissnce Faire on Flickr.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Headline in the news
Sunnis demand probe of torture Does this sound right to you?
Friday, November 11, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
In the news
Some notes about the design: 1. The menus are not hyperlinked to any pages (because only a design!) 2. The photograph next to the writing about the Entomology Dept. would change each time the page is refreshed. The photos would be of people in Entomology 3. Writing on the page is just "filler" to designate content areas 4. Since this is a design (versus an actual web page), it will download slowly from a slower speed connection than our high speed connection at Cornell
Now we'll see how badly our "computer support" geek can ruin it. I was excited because I could have it in my portfolio but who knows what he will do to it since he is so lame. Maybe I won't want my name on it.
Saying for the week: Better do it while you can.
Knitting update:
I am half finished with the back. It's been very hard to keep the pattern correct. I could have knitted the whole thing a couple of times over if I didn't have to keep taking it out and figure out what stitches I had dropped and messed up. Oh well, it's only a bus project.
Coming up next: Food and recipes. Feta / spinach strata. Hot fudge pudding cake. Post a comment for recipes. Later.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Monday, October 31, 2005
Jab me in the rear with a pointy thing (?)
Saying for the week:
Just jab me in the rear with a pointy thing.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Squishy eyeballs
It's been so much fun having TV cable especially after not having TV for years. There are so many home and craft shows on now. And they are on all the time. I am completely in love with this one called "While you were out".
I watched the new Martha show yesterevening for the first time.They made pumpkin raviolis (which are very good with a smoked tomato cream sauce) and this very good looking wreath although the web site photo just does not do it justice because on the show it was awesome. You just jam the twigs through the eye balls. Martha was pretty funny about doing that and described it as if they were the way real eye balls would be and then seemed to gross herself out and added that but of course she doesn't really know what it would be like never having done that.
They had small bags of those eye balls at Target. Should have gotten some along with the tiny rubber rats.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Just another rainy Tuesday
This is how their music is described:
"Built upon virtuosic technique, inventive improvisation, rapid tempos and daring key changes, “wedding music” is based in Balkan folk music and infused with a riveting mix of jazz and rock, Gypsy, Turkish and Indian music, and pure testosterone. " (me laughing-"Ha! Ha! Ha!")
Well, after reading all that, I was surprised when the first song sample started to play! Click on Lenorije Chaje and listen to the whole snippet... (another me laughing-"Ha! Ha! Ha!")
Testosterone my butt.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
All about being
A.) In charge
C.) Fucked
D.) Fucked over
E.) All of the above
Saying for the week: - From last Wednesday to today- I'm a little late with it.
"Gee, I'm sorry you've got a stick up your ass."
Yep, practice saying it with the emphasis on various words in it.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Is fear a factor for you?
AND it wasn't on last week either!
I'm knitting a new sweater.
It's from the Vogue Knitting
Spring/Summer 2005 issue.
Very tricky to knit unless my
COMPLETE attention is on it.
But I'm really enjoying something
so complicated-it's like putting a
puzzle together. (Although I don't
actual like to do puzzles)
Monday, September 19, 2005
Beautiful day for the start of a beautiful week
This morning someone on the bus had a big bag withe Delaware grapes, apples, and pears from his farm. Every week something is ripe. The grape trucks from Hector vineyards have been on the road hauling grapes to different wineries around Hammondsport.
Something to look forward to in just three friend David will be here! YEAH!
Monday, September 12, 2005
Raining Pouring
It never seems to amaze me that either absolutely nothing happens or everything happens at the same time. What a pain but better than nothing I guess.
Photo right: Misha Mia at the clubhouse
Phrase/Sentence for the week:
Thank you so very much, Asshole.
I was thinking of "Bloated with his own self-righteousness" but that really was more for last week.
My outfit for when I get the the Sausage Caravan going. (Who's that guy in the background?) I think that I have to have one to go with the dress. To accessorize it.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Friday, September 02, 2005
Bloc Party
I love Bloc Party. Just writing something to get this blog started.....
I've been listening to Bloc Party. I can't get enough of listening to them. You can download a concert from NPR: